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Fire Safety/Evacuation Procedures

Name of Centre: Kinder Learning Centres
Date Policy and Procedure Established: Oct 1, 2021
Date policy and procedure Updated: June 25, 2024

In the event of an emergency (such as fire, gas leak, bomb threat or if instructed by police) on or near the premises of the childcare centre, it may be necessary to evacuate the building.  If such an occurrence should arise, the following questions need to be addressed:

  • Where will the students go if evacuated?

  • How will they get there?

  • Who will accompany them?

  • Who will monitor attendance/records?

  • Who will we notify?

  • How will the parents know where we are?

  • Does any staff/child require assistance? If so please refer to their Individualized Evacuation Plan.

All staff are aware of the location of the evacuation site and their roles in the evacuation process.

 Should an evacuation be deemed necessary, the following steps must be taken:

  1.  The Supervisor (or designate if supervisor is away) will call 911 and follow the directions of the Emergency Response Officials

  2. Ensure there is a phone line open for incoming communication from Officials.

  3. The students will be walked to the Centre’s designated evacuation site by the staff.  Staff will follow the procedures as outlined in the Fire Drill Evacuation Procedure to usher children out of the building.

  4. Each staff in their assigned rooms will ensure the safe transportation of all children and will be responsible for the room attendance.  Once at the evacuation site, the Supervisor will take a final count.

  5. Evacuation kit will be taken.  This includes phone numbers for the parents of the children that are currently enrolled.  Parents will be called immediately to inform them of the situation and our location.

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