Policy on Inappropriate Behavior in the Childcare Centre Purpose 

Name of Centre: Kinder Learning Centres
Date Policy and Procedure Established: Sept 19, 2024
Date policy and procedure Updated:Sept 19, 2024


Policy on Inappropriate Behavior in the Childcare Centre Purpose 

To ensure the safety and well-being of all participants in the daycare classroom, this policy  outlines the procedures for handling inappropriate behavior, including any actions taken by  educators when such behavior occurs. 


Policy Statement 

The daycare is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment for all children and  educators. Any behavior with the intent to harm another child or educator, including but  not limited to punching, kicking, throwing furniture, and hitting with an object, will not be tolerated. Aggressive behavior that poses a threat to the safety and well-being of others will  be addressed promptly and appropriately. 


Authority to Remove a Child

  • Educators have the authority to remove a child from the daily program when  they exhibit behavior intended to harm another child or when aggressive  actions cannot be prevented through initial intervention strategies. Educators MUST report their decision to management prior to calling the  parent/guardian.



  • Behavior Documentation: All incidents of inappropriate behavior will be  documented thoroughly, including the date, time, description of the behavior, and any actions taken. Incident reports will be completed.
  • Preventative Measures: Educators will implement strategies to prevent  aggressive outbursts and support the child in managing their behavior. These  strategies may include positive reinforcement, redirection, and structured  activities. These strategies will be reviewed with management for team  support. A meeting with the family to discuss strategies will be conducted.  Families must be willing to work with the centre to improve/eliminate the  behaviour. 


Support Steps 

Immediate Action: If aggressive behavior cannot be prevented, the following  steps will be taken:

  1. Parental/Caregiver Notification: Parents or caregivers will be contacted immediately to remove the child from care for the remainder of the day.
  2. Incident Documentation: A detailed report of the incident will be  completed and signed by the parent/guardian and then filed in the child’s file.
  3. Continuous Documentation: Ongoing documentation of the child’s  behavior will be maintained to monitor patterns and progress. 
  4. Community Support: If necessary, referrals to community support  services will be provided to assist the child and family in addressing the behavior.
  5. Follow-Up: Follow-up meetings with the parents/caregivers will be  scheduled as needed to review the child’s progress and adjust  strategies.
  6. Termination of care- this decision will be made by management if all  other strategies above have not been deemed successful and the  safety and well-being of all the children and educators are not met.



This policy is designed to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all children at the  daycare. Consistent documentation and proactive measures will be taken to address  inappropriate behavior and support the child’s development. Our number one priority at  Kinder is to support the child to overcome these behaviours however sometimes it is out of  our measures to do so.