Our Early Years Curriculum

Kinder Learning Centres’ education curriculum is carefully designed to align with the principles of “How Does Learning Happen?” This approach recognizes that children are competent, capable, and curious learners who actively construct their understanding of the world.

At Kinder Learning Centres, the curriculum embraces play-based learning, providing children with opportunities to explore, inquire, and express themselves through various engaging activities. Educators at the centre create stimulating environments that foster social interactions, collaboration, and positive relationships. They observe and document children’s interests, strengths, and needs, tailoring the curriculum to individual and group learning goals.

 By valuing children’s voices and perspectives, Kinder Learning Centres promote a sense of belonging, well-being, and engagement. The curriculum supports holistic development by focusing on the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language domains, nurturing well-rounded learners. Kinder Learning Centres prioritize collaboration with families and the community, recognizing them as essential partners in children’s education and development. By adhering to the principles of “How Does Learning Happen?”, Kinder Learning Centres create an enriching and inclusive educational experience for all children.