Sanitary Practices Policy (2 min read)


At Kinder Learning Centres, we are committed to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment to ensure the health and well-being of the children in our care. This policy outlines the sanitary practices that will be followed by staff, children, volunteers, and visitors within our licensed childcare centre.

Hand Hygiene/ Handwashing

Hands must be washed for at least 20 seconds, ensuring all surfaces are thoroughly lathered, including the backs of hands, between fingers, and under nails. Hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content may be used as an alternative if soap and water are not readily available.

Staff, children, and visitors must wash their hands with soap and water:

  1. Before and after eating or handling food
  2. After using the toilet or assisting a child with toileting
  3. After wiping or blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing
  4. After coming into contact with bodily fluids
  5. After playing outside or engaging in messy play activities
  6. Whenever hands appear dirty or soiled.

Staff Modeling

Staff members will serve as role models by practicing proper hand hygiene and encouraging children to do the same. Staff will remind children to wash their hands at appropriate times and assist younger children as needed.

Illness Prevention/ Sick Child

  1. Parents/guardians must keep their child at home if they display symptoms of illness, including fever, vomiting, diarrhea, persistent cough, or contagious conditions.
  2. Staff members reserve the right to refuse admission to a child who appears unwell.
  3. If a child becomes ill during their time at the childcare centre, parents/guardians will be notified and asked to promptly pick up their child.
  4. Cleaning and Disinfecting
    • Frequently touched surfaces, toys, and equipment will be regularly cleaned and disinfected using appropriate products.
    • Cleaning schedules will be established and adhered to, ensuring thorough cleaning of all areas within the childcare centre. These Sanitary schedules are posted in all play areas and food areas within the centre.
  5. Food Handling and Hygiene
    • All staff involved in food preparation will adhere to safe food handling practices, including proper handwashing, use of gloves, and maintaining appropriate food storage temperatures.
    • Children will be encouraged and assisted in washing their hands before and after eating meals or snacks.
  6. Diaper Changing and Toileting
    • Staff members will follow proper diaper changing procedures, including wearing disposable gloves, using a designated changing area, and thorough handwashing.
    • Toileting areas will be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
    • Staff members will promote and assist children in developing good toilet hygiene habits.
    • Diaper procedures are posted in all change/bathroom areas.
  7. Personal Hygiene of Staff
    • Staff members will maintain high standards of personal hygiene, including regular handwashing, clean and appropriate attire, and grooming practices.
    • Staff members will follow the childcare centers’ illness policy and refrain from attending work if they are unwell.
  8. Health and Safety Education
    • Children will receive age-appropriate education on personal hygiene, including handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and other sanitary practices.
    • Staff members will actively promote and reinforce healthy habits through ongoing discussions, demonstrations, and visual aids.
  9. Compliance and Monitoring
    • The childcare centre manager will regularly review and monitor the implementation of this policy to ensure its effectiveness.
    • Staff members will receive training on sanitary practices and will be required to always adhere to the policy.
  10. Communication with Parents/Guardians
    • This policy will be communicated to parents/guardians upon enrollment, and any updates or changes will be promptly re-communicated.